Moodstream is an interesting mashup of several forms of media, designed to bring you music, images, and video in sync with the mood you're in—or the mood you want to be in!—through a simple interface.
Click on the image above for a closer look.
Moodstream streams music accompanied by images and video clips to create a sort of audio-visual ambient mix. We've covered some interesting mood-based music streaming services here before, like StereoMood and Sourcetone, but none of them have incorporated a visual element.
At Moodstream you can select from the presets of Inspire, Excite, Refresh, Intensify, Stabilize, and Simplify. Each preset is a mixture of the mood spectrums on the Moodstream mixer—happy/sad, calm/lively, warm/cool, and so on. You can start with a preset and then mix things up including the type of image transition, whether you want more or less vocals in your music selection, and how long images and video will stay, among other settings.
One area where Moodstream falls short of the other mood-based services we've covered is that it doesn't play the entire song. Songs blend into one another in 30 second segments, instead of playing the full track. Although it sounds disconcerting the actual experience isn't bad and if you really love certain tracks you come across you can add them to your Moodboards—mini playlists within the Moodstream service you custom build for your specific moods and tastes.
Have a cool music-related service to share? Let's hear about it in the comments.
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